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Marine Power

  • €50.00

Replacement Propellers for Max Power Tunnels

Please be aware Max Power have changed the designs of there propellers, if you have a Duo leg and missing only one prop, Max Power recommend changing both to suit the new design change. 

With the New Design change, the propellers are 20% less noise and 5% higher efficiency.

The 125mm prop has gone from a 2 blade to a 3 blade, the 185mm and 250mm props has gone to from 3 blade to a 6 blade.

Code Model Diameter
313810 CT300 300
35030 CT35 / 45 125
35032 CT165 / 225 250
35033 CT325 315
35040 CT60/80/100/125 & VIP, similar to 35031 185
35041 CT35/45, similar to 35030 125
35042 CT165/225, similar to 35032 250

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